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Phone icon Liberty Dumpster Phoenix call to order 480-690-4919

Dumpster Sizes

10-Yard Dumpster

(4 feet x 8 feet x 12 feet)
Ideal for small home cleanouts and small projects.
Delivery and Pickup Included. Available Now


20-Yard Dumpster

(4 feet x 8 feet x 22 feet)
Ideal for home renovation and new home construction.
Delivery and Pickup Included. Friendly Staff


30-Yard Dumpster

(6 feet x 4 feet x 22 feet)
Ideal for large construction projects and bulky items.
Delivery and Pickup Included. Call or Click


Liberty Dumpster Phoenix

Liberty Dumpster Phoenix

3885 S 37th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85018
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